Editing/deletion of content by another PC

From @cheershendtco on Wed Aug 31 2016 03:39:25 GMT+0000 (UTC)

editing/deletion of content and power dynamics 路 Issue #156 路 ipfs-inactive/faq 路 GitHub

So in effect objects added to ipfs cannot be deleted or edited. If an edit is required the file(s) must be edited locally and re-uploaded to ipfs, generating a new hash value for the file(s).

If I have uploaded files with my PC, and how to manager these files with other PCs?

Copied from original issue: editing/deletion of content by another PC 路 Issue #169 路 ipfs-inactive/faq 路 GitHub

From @Voker57 on Sat Feb 04 2017 14:32:15 GMT+0000 (UTC)

ipfs get

edit the directory

ipfs add