Fail to install on Windows 10

Installing ipfs on Windows 10 under cygwin, is not working for me.
I downloaded, unpacked .zip ipfs-update,

did ipfs-update versions, looked at the latest version 0.4.17 and tried that.

Using cygwin:

$ ipfs-update install 0.4.17 <=== ran this command
fetching go-ipfs version v0.4.17
binary downloaded, verifying…
install failed, reverting changes…
error initializing with new binary: exec: “C:\cygwin\tmp\ipfs-update067813047\ipfs-new”: file does not exist: <=== got this errror

I go look at /c/cygwin/tmp and see that the file it says does not exist, indeed exists.
$ ls /c/cygwin/tmp
hsperfdata_Caleb ipfs-update067813047 ipfs-update864489642

$ ls /c/cygwin/tmp/ipfs-update067813047/
ipfs-new <== yes. it’s indeed there.

I get the same thing when using cmd

c:\cygwin\usr\local\bin>.\ipfs-update.exe install 0.4.17
fetching go-ipfs version v0.4.17
binary downloaded, verifying…
install failed, reverting changes…
error initializing with new binary: exec: “C:\Users\cryptofail\AppData\Local\Temp\ipfs-update250851787\ipfs-new”: file does not exist:

When I go look in that directory ipfs-new is there:
Directory of c:\Users\cryptofail\AppData\Local\Temp\ipfs-update250851787

10/12/2018 07:31 PM .
10/12/2018 07:31 PM …
10/12/2018 07:31 PM 32,422,912 ipfs-new
1 File(s) 32,422,912 bytes
2 Dir(s) 638,087,958,528 bytes free

Any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated? I would like to get this up and running as soon as possible, I only have the weekend.

Is this the right approach to installing ipfs? With cygwin, I have a full gnu/linux like environment with python, npm and many other things installed.

Maybe you want to look into more easy-to-use approach. Have a look at or ipfs-desktop

In any case my suggestion is to install directly ipfs binary from and update manually if ipfs-update doesn’t work!