I’ve followed the tutorial on hosting a git-style repository on ipfs, however when I try to clone the repo with the given command (git clone http://QmX679gmfyaRkKMvPA4WGNWXj9PtpvKWGPgtXaF18etC95.ipfs.localhost:8080/ myrepo)
it doesn’t seem to work. I get a fatal error and git says it is unable to resolve the host QmX679gmfyaRkKMvPA4WGNWXj9PtpvKWGPgtXaF18etC95.ipfs.localhost.
What am I doing wrong? Or is there a configuration step before I can follow this tutorial that I might’ve missed?
I set up the ipfs node with init and then ran the daemon. Everything else I did is in the Store & play videos | IPFS Docs tutorial.
I tried to convert it the way you showed, but I still get the error. It can’t seem to find it, even though I can get it in my browser no problem. Anything else I could try to look into, that might help?
I find it strange that it’s unable to resolve localhost! Glad it’s working in the browser, but I’m not sure why your terminal doesn’t want to resolve localhost :S. Do you maybe have a git configuration that could be interfering?
For example, I can’t even get “unable to resolve host” even with git clone http://this.isnot.valid.localhost.
I’m glad the tutorial is of interest , I found it helpful for learning about how CIDs are made.
Browsers have magic to resolve these localhost-subdomains. Try http://localhost:8080/ipfs/bafybeieb75o7544uiy4yjl3bhyy3xlevxtwsczkwktflrgqs2n6xjjahba/myrepo instead.
git clone http://localhost:8080/ipfs/$hash$ somefolder
Cloning into 'somefolder'...
fatal: unable to access 'http://localhost:8080/ipfs/$hash$/': Could not resolve host: $hash$.ipfs.localhost
I have no clue what the problem could be, I’m too new to IPFS as a whole.
Check if you have configured your IPFS gateway as a subdomain gateway (UseSubdomains: true). I don’t think it should be redirecting to the <cid>.ipfs.localhost url by default.
(this way you don’t need to use subdomais on localhost)
alternative global fix: configure your OS (assuming Linux?) to support subdomains on localhost (eg. via nss-myhostname)
alternative ad-hoc fix: use go-ipfs as HTTP proxy (export HTTP_PROXY= Caveat: it only resolves IPFS resources over HTTP (localhost gateway), you won’t be able to browse the regular web with this.
When in hurry, just do the TLDR one.
localhost gateway is a subdomain gateway that redirects requests for /path/{cid} to a {cid}.ipfs.localhost DNS name
before it was hardcoded in browsers, we used HTTP proxy mode for avoiding DNS lookups; this is still supported
one can use regular path gateway on local machine by using endpoint
subdomain isolation does not provide any value outside of browser, so no reason to use localhost for git use case – just use and the problem will go away
I’m on a windows machine, so I didn’t test the subdomain solution, though I might try it, if there is a way to do it on win10 as well. But the TLDR version solved it!