Index.html loads but assets in sub directory does not. 504 error

Greetings Everyone.

This is my first time using ifps.
I uploaded a dist folder built by vitejs to my ifps desktop app.
I also linked the dist folder’s CID to an ENS domain.

For some reason, the index.html loads via ens… but the assets in the sub folder does not.
I have read lots of resources but still can’t get it to work.

I also used another laptop on a different network to import the same CID but still, I get a 504 error every time.

index.html loads via share link also but I can’t get a logo.png in the same dir to load too even via the sharelink.

What could I be doing wrong?

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Hey and welcome to the forum! Can you please share the CID of your website so it’s possible for someone else to look at what may have gone wrong?


Solved this by pining all files to pinata cloud.

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