I’m trying to set up an IPFS node and eventually a cluster for my first time. I’m using a raspberry pi 4 and Ubuntu server 20.04LTS. The server is already running openvpn and qbittorrent. I assume the issue is some conflict between by qbittorrent and IPFS on port 8080 but I don’t know how to go about fixing this.
Please advise? I would also appreciate any tuts or resources anyone had on getting started with IPFS and IPFS clusters.
I was able to change the /ipfs/config file to run on port 8081.
Ok so now when I run ipfs Daemon I am running a local node and I changed the max storage to like 500gb. Im still unclear on a couple of things.
What directory are my IPFS CID’s stored in after I add them?
And am I understanding correctly that in order for my pins to propagate across multiple nodes I need to run a cluster… but without running a cluster people can still connect to my gateway correct?
And am I understanding correctly that in order for my pins to propagate across multiple nodes I need to run a cluster… but without running a cluster people can still connect to my gateway correct?
Yes, for the pins to propagate you will need a cluster to do so. But be aware, as long as your IPFS nodes are in public mode, everyone will access to your files. If the cluster is private and nodes are too, you will need a gateway yes
The documentation is in french but just all you need is somme virtualization tool like Virtual Box, ansible and vagrant and you have an example (minus some bugs): GitHub - robinportigliatti/vagrant-ipfs
The initial goal of this project was to use ipfs as a tool to share logs between postgres standbies, of course you won’t need it. But you have ipfs privates swarms (bad) implementation and private cluster example