Ipfs-cluster offline

On checking for ipfs cluster peers, I am now getting this error:

:~$ *ipfs-cluster-ctl peers ls*
2024-04-30T05:07:25.294Z        ERROR   apiclient       client/lbclient.go:106  reached maximum number of retries without success, retries: 1
An error occurred:
  Code: 0
  Message: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused

**while restarting ipfs cluster to fix the issue:**
$ *sudo systemctl status ipfs-cluster*
● ipfs-cluster.service - IPFS-Cluster Daemon
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/ipfs-cluster.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Tue 2024-04-30 05:06:44 UTC; 6s ago
    Process: 2288650 ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/ipfs-cluster-service daemon (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
   Main PID: 2288650 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

Apr 30 05:06:44 systemd[1]: Started IPFS-Cluster Daemon.
Apr 30 05:06:44 ipfs-cluster-service[2288650]: 2024-04-30T05:06:44.737Z        INFO  >
Apr 30 05:06:44 ipfs-cluster-service[2288650]: 2024-04-30T05:06:44.739Z        INFO  >
Apr 30 05:06:44  ipfs-cluster-service[2288650]: 2024-04-30T05:06:44.745Z        INFO  >
Apr 30 05:06:44  ipfs-cluster-service[2288650]: error creating IPFS Proxy component: l>
Apr 30 05:06:44 systemd[1]: ipfs-cluster.service: Main process exited, code=exited, s>
Apr 30 05:06:44  systemd[1]: ipfs-cluster.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
**On checking connections in port 5001:**
*sudo lsof -i :5001*
ipfs    2287484 root   32u  IPv4 34623586      0t0  TCP *:5001 (LISTEN)

I will show you where this issue started:

*sudo systemctl status ipfs-cluster*
● ipfs-cluster.service - IPFS-Cluster Daemon
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/ipfs-cluster.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Tue 2024-04-30 04:45:47 UTC; 9min ago
   Main PID: 2287496 (ipfs-cluster-se)
      Tasks: 9 (limit: 19172)
     Memory: 18.3M
     CGroup: /system.slice/ipfs-cluster.service
             └─2287496 /usr/local/bin/ipfs-cluster-service daemon

Apr 30 04:45:48  ipfs-cluster-service[2287496]: 2024-04-30T04:45:48.302Z        INFO  >
Apr 30 04:45:48  ipfs-cluster-service[2287496]: 2024-04-30T04:45:48.302Z        INFO  >
Apr 30 04:45:48  ipfs-cluster-service[2287496]: 2024-04-30T04:45:48.302Z        INFO  >
Apr 30 04:45:48  ipfs-cluster-service[2287496]: 2024-04-30T04:45:48.302Z        INFO  >
Apr 30 04:45:48  ipfs-cluster-service[2287496]: 2024-04-30T04:45:48.302Z        INFO  >
Apr 30 04:45:48  ipfs-cluster-service[2287496]: 2024-04-30T04:45:48.303Z        INFO  >
Apr 30 04:45:48 ipfs-cluster-service[2287496]: 2024-04-30T04:45:48.303Z        INFO  >
Apr 30 04:45:48  ipfs-cluster-service[2287496]: 2024-04-30T04:45:48.303Z        INFO  >
Apr 30 04:50:48  ipfs-cluster-service[2287496]: 2024-04-30T04:50:48.304Z        INFO  >
Apr 30 04:54:24  ipfs-cluster-service[2287496]: 2024-04-30T04:54:24.704Z        INFO  >
lines 1-19/19 (END)...skipping...
● ipfs-cluster.service - IPFS-Cluster Daemon
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/ipfs-cluster.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Tue 2024-04-30 04:45:47 UTC; 9min ago
   Main PID: 2287496 (ipfs-cluster-se)
      Tasks: 9 (limit: 19172)
     Memory: 18.3M
     CGroup: /system.slice/ipfs-cluster.service
             └─2287496 /usr/local/bin/ipfs-cluster-service daemon

Apr 30 04:45:48 ipfs-cluster-service[2287496]: 2024-04-30T04:45:48.302Z        INFO        crdt        go-ds-crdt@v0.5.2/crdt.go:292        crdt Datastore>
Apr 30 04:45:48  ipfs-cluster-service[2287496]: 2024-04-30T04:45:48.302Z        INFO        crdt        crdt/consensus.go:320        'trust all' mode enabl>
Apr 30 04:45:48  ipfs-cluster-service[2287496]: 2024-04-30T04:45:48.302Z        INFO        cluster        ipfs-cluster@v1.0.8/cluster.go:735        Cluste>
Apr 30 04:45:48 pfs-cluster-service[2287496]: 2024-04-30T04:45:48.302Z        INFO        cluster        ipfs-cluster@v1.0.8/cluster.go:737            - >
Apr 30 04:45:48  ipfs-cluster-service[2287496]: 2024-04-30T04:45:48.302Z        INFO        cluster        ipfs-cluster@v1.0.8/cluster.go:747        Waitin>
Apr 30 04:45:48 ipfs-cluster-service[2287496]: 2024-04-30T04:45:48.303Z        INFO        crdt        go-ds-crdt@v0.5.2/crdt.go:502        store is marke>
Apr 30 04:45:48  ipfs-cluster-service[2287496]: 2024-04-30T04:45:48.303Z        INFO        cluster        ipfs-cluster@v1.0.8/cluster.go:756        IPFS I>
Apr 30 04:45:48  ipfs-cluster-service[2287496]: 2024-04-30T04:45:48.303Z        INFO        cluster        ipfs-cluster@v1.0.8/cluster.go:764        ** IPF>
Apr 30 04:50:48  ipfs-cluster-service[2287496]: 2024-04-30T04:50:48.304Z        INFO        crdt        go-ds-crdt@v0.5.2/crdt.go:559        Number of head>
Apr 30 04:54:24  ipfs-cluster-service[2287496]: 2024-04-30T04:54:24.704Z        INFO        ipfsproxylog        ipfsproxy/ipfsproxy.go:106>


:~$ sudo lsof -i :9095
ipfs-clus 2287496 root 22u IPv4 34622664 0t0 TCP localhost:9095 (LISTEN)
:~$ sudo nano /root/.ipfs-cluster/service.json
:~$ sudo nano /root/.ipfs-cluster/service.json
:~$ sudo systemctl restart ipfs-cluster
:~$ curl
curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 9095: Connection refused
~$ sudo nano /root/.ipfs-cluster/service.json
:~$ sudo systemctl status ipfs-cluster
● ipfs-cluster.service - IPFS-Cluster Daemon
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/ipfs-cluster.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Tue 2024-04-30 04:57:13 UTC; 1min 7s ago
Process: 2288092 ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/ipfs-cluster-service daemon (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
Main PID: 2288092 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

Apr 30 04:57:13 systemd[1]: Started IPFS-Cluster Daemon.
Apr 30 04:57:13 ipfs-cluster-service[2288092]: 2024-04-30T04:57:13.707Z INFO >
Apr 30 04:57:13 ipfs-cluster-service[2288092]: 2024-04-30T04:57:13.709Z INFO >
Apr 30 04:57:13 ipfs-cluster-service[2288092]: 2024-04-30T04:57:13.714Z INFO >
Apr 30 04:57:13 ipfs-cluster-service[2288092]: error creating IPFS Proxy component: l>
Apr 30 04:57:13 systemd[1]: ipfs-cluster.service: Main process exited, code=exited, s>
Apr 30 04:57:13 systemd[1]: ipfs-cluster.service: Failed with result ‘exit-code’.

:~$ sudo nano /root/.ipfs-cluster/service.json
:~$ sudo lsof -i :5001
ipfs 2287484 root 32u IPv4 34623586 0t0 TCP *:5001 (LISTEN)
:~$ sudo lsof -i :5001
ipfs 2287484 root 32u IPv4 34623586 0t0 TCP *:5001 (LISTEN)
:~$ sudo nano /root/.ipfs-cluster/service.json
:~$ sudo nano /root/.ipfs-cluster/service.json
~$ sudo systemctl restart ipfs-cluster
~$ sudo systemctl status ipfs-cluster
● ipfs-cluster.service - IPFS-Cluster Daemon
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/ipfs-cluster.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Tue 2024-04-30 05:04:27 UTC; 4s ago
Process: 2288608 ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/ipfs-cluster-service daemon (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
Main PID: 2288608 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

Apr 30 05:04:27  systemd[1]: Started IPFS-Cluster Daemon.
Apr 30 05:04:27  ipfs-cluster-service[2288608]: 2024-04-30T05:04:27.450Z        INFO  >
Apr 30 05:04:27 ipfs-cluster-service[2288608]: 2024-04-30T05:04:27.452Z        INFO  >
Apr 30 05:04:27  ipfs-cluster-service[2288608]: 2024-04-30T05:04:27.457Z        INFO  >
Apr 30 05:04:27  ipfs-cluster-service[2288608]: error creating IPFS Proxy component: l>
Apr 30 05:04:27  systemd[1]: ipfs-cluster.service: Main process exited, code=exited, s>
Apr 30 05:04:27 systemd[1]: ipfs-cluster.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.


$ ipfs swarm peers
Error: this action must be run in online mode, try running 'ipfs daemon' first

I don’t know what you are editing the configuration for, but the logs are telling you the error: Apr 30 05:04:27 ipfs-cluster-service[2288608]: error creating IPFS Proxy component: l>. However the message is truncated. I suspect your configuration in that section is invalid.

Please read the logs, they have the answers.

Here is my ipfs-cluster-service.json:

  GNU nano 4.8                           /root/.ipfs-cluster/service.json                                      
  "cluster": {
    "peername": “xyz”,
    "secret": “xyz”,
    "leave_on_shutdown": false,
    "listen_multiaddress": [
    "announce_multiaddress": null,
    "no_announce_multiaddress": null,
    "enable_relay_hop": true,
    "connection_manager": {
      "high_water": 400,
      "low_water": 100,
      "grace_period": "2m0s"
    "dial_peer_timeout": "3s",
    "state_sync_interval": "5m0s",
    "pin_recover_interval": "12m0s",
    "replication_factor_min": -1,
    "replication_factor_max": -1,
    "monitor_ping_interval": "15s",
    "peer_watch_interval": "5s",
    "mdns_interval": "10s",
    "pin_only_on_trusted_peers": false,
    "pin_only_on_untrusted_peers": false,
    "disable_repinning": true,
    "peer_addresses": []
  "consensus": {
    "crdt": {
      "cluster_name": "ipfs-cluster",
      "trusted_peers": [
      "batching": {
        "max_batch_size": 0,
        "max_batch_age": "0s"
      "repair_interval": "1h0m0s"
  "api": {
    "ipfsproxy": {
      "listen_multiaddress": "/ip4/",
      "node_multiaddress": "/ip4/",
      "log_file": "",
      "read_timeout": "0s",
      "read_header_timeout": "5s",
      "write_timeout": "0s",
      "idle_timeout": "1m0s",
      "max_header_bytes": 4096
    "pinsvcapi": {
      "http_listen_multiaddress": "/ip4/",
      "read_timeout": "0s",
      "read_header_timeout": "5s",
      "write_timeout": "0s",
      "idle_timeout": "2m0s",
      "max_header_bytes": 4096,
      "basic_auth_credentials": null,
      "http_log_file": "",
      "headers": {},
      "cors_allowed_origins": [
      "cors_allowed_methods": [
      "cors_allowed_headers": [],
      "cors_exposed_headers": [
      "cors_allow_credentials": true,
      "cors_max_age": "0s"
    "restapi": {
      "http_listen_multiaddress": "/ip4/",
      "read_timeout": "0s",
      "read_header_timeout": "5s",
      "write_timeout": "0s",
      "idle_timeout": "2m0s",
      "max_header_bytes": 4096,
      "basic_auth_credentials": null,
      "http_log_file": "",
      "headers": {},
      "cors_allowed_origins": [
      "cors_allowed_methods": [
      "cors_allowed_headers": [],
      "cors_exposed_headers": [
      "cors_allow_credentials": true,
      "cors_max_age": "0s"
  "ipfs_connector": {
    "ipfshttp": {
      "node_multiaddress": "/ip4/",
      "connect_swarms_delay": "30s",
      "ipfs_request_timeout": "5m0s",
      "pin_timeout": "2m0s",
      "unpin_timeout": "3h0m0s",
      "repogc_timeout": "24h0m0s",
      "informer_trigger_interval": 0
  "pin_tracker": {
    "stateless": {
      "concurrent_pins": 10,
      "priority_pin_max_age": "24h0m0s",
      "priority_pin_max_retries": 5
  "monitor": {
    "pubsubmon": {
      "check_interval": "15s"
  "allocator": {
    "balanced": {
      "allocate_by": [
  "informer": {
    "disk": {                                    
      "metric_ttl": "30s",
      "metric_type": "freespace"
    "pinqueue": {
      "metric_ttl": "30s",
      "weight_bucket_size": 100000
    "tags": {
      "metric_ttl": "30s",
      "tags": {
        "group": "default"
  "observations": {
    "metrics": {
      "enable_stats": false,
      "prometheus_endpoint": "/ip4/",
      "reporting_interval": "2s"
    "tracing": {
      "enable_tracing": false,
      "jaeger_agent_endpoint": "/ip4/",
      "sampling_prob": 0.3,
      "service_name": "cluster-daemon"
  "datastore": {
    "pebble": {
      "pebble_options": {
        "cache_size_bytes": 1073741824,
        "bytes_per_sync": 1048576,
        "disable_wal": false,
        "flush_delay_delete_range": 0,
        "flush_delay_range_key": 0,
  GNU nano 4.8                           /root/.ipfs-cluster/service.json                                      
        "flush_split_bytes": 4194304,
        "format_major_version": 16,
        "l0_compaction_file_threshold": 750,
        "l0_compaction_threshold": 4,
        "l0_stop_writes_threshold": 12,
        "l_base_max_bytes": 134217728,
        "max_open_files": 1000,
        "mem_table_size": 67108864,
        "mem_table_stop_writes_threshold": 20,
        "read_only": false,
        "wal_bytes_per_sync": 0,
        "levels": [
            "block_restart_interval": 16,
            "block_size": 4096,
            "block_size_threshold": 90,
            "compression": 2,
            "filter_type": 0,
            "filter_policy": 10,
            "index_block_size": 4096,
            "target_file_size": 4194304
            "block_restart_interval": 16,
            "block_size": 4096,
            "block_size_threshold": 90,
            "compression": 2,
            "filter_type": 0,
            "filter_policy": 10,
            "index_block_size": 4096,
            "target_file_size": 8388608
            "block_restart_interval": 16,
            "block_size": 4096,
            "block_size_threshold": 90,
            "compression": 2,
            "filter_type": 0,
            "filter_policy": 10,
            "index_block_size": 4096,
            "target_file_size": 16777216
            "block_restart_interval": 16,
            "block_size": 4096,
            "block_size_threshold": 90,
            "compression": 2,
            "filter_type": 0,
            "filter_policy": 10,
            "index_block_size": 4096,
            "target_file_size": 33554432
            "block_restart_interval": 16,
            "block_size": 4096,
            "block_size_threshold": 90,
            "compression": 2,
            "filter_type": 0,
            "filter_policy": 10,
            "index_block_size": 4096,
            "target_file_size": 67108864
            "block_restart_interval": 16,
            "block_size": 4096,
            "block_size_threshold": 90,
            "compression": 2,
            "filter_type": 0,
            "filter_policy": 10,
            "index_block_size": 4096,
            "target_file_size": 134217728
            "block_restart_interval": 16,
            "block_size": 4096,
            "block_size_threshold": 90,
            "compression": 2,
            "filter_type": 0,
            "filter_policy": 10,
            "index_block_size": 4096,
            "target_file_size": 268435456
        "max_concurrent_compactions": 5

on checking logs:

:~$ sudo journalctl -u ipfs-cluster -n 100 --no-pager
-- Logs begin at Wed 2024-04-24 06:21:25 UTC, end at Tue 2024-04-30 06:31:20 UTC. --
Apr 30 04:45:48  ipfs-cluster-service[2287496]: 2024-04-30T04:45:48.303Z        INFO        crdt        go-ds-crdt@v0.5.2/crdt.go:502        store is marked clean. No need to repair
Apr 30 04:45:48  ipfs-cluster-service[2287496]: 2024-04-30T04:45:48.303Z        INFO        cluster        ipfs-cluster@v1.0.8/cluster.go:756        IPFS is ready. Peer ID: 12D3Kohgfhtsfbs…
Apr 30 04:45:48  ipfs-cluster-service[2287496]: 2024-04-30T04:45:48.303Z        INFO        cluster        ipfs-cluster@v1.0.8/cluster.go:764        ** IPFS Cluster is READY **
Apr 30 04:50:48  ipfs-cluster-service[2287496]: 2024-04-30T04:50:48.304Z        INFO        crdt        go-ds-crdt@v0.5.2/crdt.go:559        Number of heads: 1. Current max height: 17. Queued jobs: 0. Dirty: false
Apr 30 04:54:24  ipfs-cluster-service[2287496]: 2024-04-30T04:54:24.704Z        INFO        ipfsproxylog        ipfsproxy/ipfsproxy.go:106 - - [30/Apr/2024:04:54:24 +0000] "GET /peers HTTP/1.1" 404 19
Apr 30 04:55:48  ipfs-cluster-service[2287496]: 2024-04-30T04:55:48.304Z        INFO        crdt        go-ds-crdt@v0.5.2/crdt.go:559        Number of heads: 1. Current max height: 17. Queued jobs: 0. Dirty: false
Apr 30 04:57:12  systemd[1]: Stopping IPFS-Cluster Daemon...
Apr 30 04:57:12  ipfs-cluster-service[2287496]: 2024-04-30T04:57:12.937Z        INFO        cluster        ipfs-cluster@v1.0.8/cluster.go:794        shutting down Cluster
Apr 30 04:57:12  ipfs-cluster-service[2287496]: 2024-04-30T04:57:12.937Z        INFO        restapi        common/api.go:495        stopping Cluster API
Apr 30 04:57:12  ipfs-cluster-service[2287496]: 2024-04-30T04:57:12.938Z        INFO        pinsvcapi        common/api.go:495        stopping Cluster API
Apr 30 04:57:12  ipfs-cluster-service[2287496]: 2024-04-30T04:57:12.938Z        INFO        ipfsproxy        ipfsproxy/ipfsproxy.go:301        stopping IPFS Proxy
Apr 30 04:57:12  ipfs-cluster-service[2287496]: 2024-04-30T04:57:12.938Z        INFO        crdt        crdt/consensus.go:350        stopping Consensus component
Apr 30 04:57:12  ipfs-cluster-service[2287496]: 2024-04-30T04:57:12.938Z        INFO        monitor        pubsubmon/pubsubmon.go:192        stopping Monitor
Apr 30 04:57:12  ipfs-cluster-service[2287496]: 2024-04-30T04:57:12.938Z        INFO        ipfshttp        ipfshttp/ipfshttp.go:324        stopping IPFS Connector
Apr 30 04:57:12  ipfs-cluster-service[2287496]: 2024-04-30T04:57:12.938Z        INFO        pintracker        stateless/stateless.go:270        stopping StatelessPinTracker
Apr 30 04:57:13  systemd[1]: ipfs-cluster.service: Succeeded.
Apr 30 04:57:13  systemd[1]: Stopped IPFS-Cluster Daemon.
Apr 30 04:57:13  systemd[1]: Started IPFS-Cluster Daemon.
Apr 30 04:57:13  ipfs-cluster-service[2288092]: 2024-04-30T04:57:13.707Z        INFO        service        ipfs-cluster-service/daemon.go:50        Initializing. For verbose output run with "-l debug". Please wait...
Apr 30 04:57:13  ipfs-cluster-service[2288092]: 2024-04-30T04:57:13.709Z        INFO        pebble        pebble@v0.0.0-20231218155426-48b54c29d8fe/open.go:993        [JOB 1] WAL file /root/.ipfs-cluster/pebble/000022.log with log number 000022 stopped reading at offset: 0; replayed 0 keys in 0 batches
Apr 30 04:57:13  ipfs-cluster-service[2288092]: 2024-04-30T04:57:13.714Z        INFO        service        ipfs-cluster-service/daemon.go:276        Datastore backend: pebble
Apr 30 04:57:13  ipfs-cluster-service[2288092]: error creating IPFS Proxy component: listen tcp4 bind: address already in use
Apr 30 04:57:13  systemd[1]: ipfs-cluster.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Apr 30 04:57:13  systemd[1]: ipfs-cluster.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Apr 30 05:04:27  systemd[1]: Started IPFS-Cluster Daemon.
Apr 30 05:04:27  ipfs-cluster-service[2288608]: 2024-04-30T05:04:27.450Z        INFO        service        ipfs-cluster-service/daemon.go:50        Initializing. For verbose output run with "-l debug". Please wait...
Apr 30 05:04:27  ipfs-cluster-service[2288608]: 2024-04-30T05:04:27.452Z        INFO        pebble        pebble@v0.0.0-20231218155426-48b54c29d8fe/open.go:993        [JOB 1] WAL file /root/.ipfs-cluster/pebble/000024.log with log number 000024 stopped reading at offset: 0; replayed 0 keys in 0 batches
Apr 30 05:04:27  ipfs-cluster-service[2288608]: 2024-04-30T05:04:27.457Z        INFO        service        ipfs-cluster-service/daemon.go:276        Datastore backend: pebble
Apr 30 05:04:27  ipfs-cluster-service[2288608]: error creating IPFS Proxy component: listen tcp4 bind: address already in use
Apr 30 05:04:27  systemd[1]: ipfs-cluster.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Apr 30 05:04:27  systemd[1]: ipfs-cluster.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Apr 30 05:06:44  systemd[1]: Started IPFS-Cluster Daemon.
Apr 30 05:06:44  ipfs-cluster-service[2288650]: 2024-04-30T05:06:44.737Z        INFO        service        ipfs-cluster-service/daemon.go:50        Initializing. For verbose output run with "-l debug". Please wait...
Apr 30 05:06:44  ipfs-cluster-service[2288650]: 2024-04-30T05:06:44.739Z        INFO        pebble        pebble@v0.0.0-20231218155426-48b54c29d8fe/open.go:993        [JOB 1] WAL file /root/.ipfs-cluster/pebble/000027.log with log number 000027 stopped reading at offset: 0; replayed 0 keys in 0 batches
Apr 30 05:06:44  ipfs-cluster-service[2288650]: 2024-04-30T05:06:44.745Z        INFO        service        ipfs-cluster-service/daemon.go:276        Datastore backend: pebble
Apr 30 05:06:44  ipfs-cluster-service[2288650]: error creating IPFS Proxy component: listen tcp4 bind: address already in use
Apr 30 05:06:44  systemd[1]: ipfs-cluster.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Apr 30 05:06:44  systemd[1]: ipfs-cluster.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Apr 30 05:53:10  systemd[1]: /etc/systemd/system/ipfs-cluster.service:3: Failed to add dependency on ipfs, ignoring: Invalid argument
Apr 30 05:53:10  systemd[1]: /etc/systemd/system/ipfs-cluster.service:4: Failed to add dependency on ipfs, ignoring: Invalid argument
Apr 30 05:53:51  systemd[1]: /etc/systemd/system/ipfs-cluster.service:3: Failed to add dependency on ipfs, ignoring: Invalid argument
Apr 30 05:53:51  systemd[1]: /etc/systemd/system/ipfs-cluster.service:4: Failed to add dependency on ipfs, ignoring: Invalid argument
Apr 30 05:53:58  systemd[1]: Started IPFS-Cluster Daemon.
Apr 30 05:53:58  ipfs-cluster-service[2291294]: 2024-04-30T05:53:58.686Z        INFO        service        ipfs-cluster-service/daemon.go:50        Initializing. For verbose output run with "-l debug". Please wait...
Apr 30 05:53:58  ipfs-cluster-service[2291294]: 2024-04-30T05:53:58.688Z        INFO        pebble        pebble@v0.0.0-20231218155426-48b54c29d8fe/open.go:993        [JOB 1] WAL file /root/.ipfs-cluster/pebble/000030.log with log number 000030 stopped reading at offset: 0; replayed 0 keys in 0 batches
Apr 30 05:53:58  ipfs-cluster-service[2291294]: 2024-04-30T05:53:58.694Z        INFO        service        ipfs-cluster-service/daemon.go:276        Datastore backend: pebble
Apr 30 05:53:58  ipfs-cluster-service[2291294]: error creating IPFS Proxy component: listen tcp4 bind: address already in use
Apr 30 05:53:58  systemd[1]: ipfs-cluster.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Apr 30 05:53:58  systemd[1]: ipfs-cluster.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Apr 30 06:10:00  systemd[1]: Started IPFS-Cluster Daemon.
Apr 30 06:10:00  ipfs-cluster-service[2291849]: 2024-04-30T06:10:00.644Z        INFO        service        ipfs-cluster-service/daemon.go:50        Initializing. For verbose output run with "-l debug". Please wait...
Apr 30 06:10:00  ipfs-cluster-service[2291849]: 2024-04-30T06:10:00.646Z        INFO        pebble        pebble@v0.0.0-20231218155426-48b54c29d8fe/open.go:993        [JOB 1] WAL file /root/.ipfs-cluster/pebble/000033.log with log number 000033 stopped reading at offset: 0; replayed 0 keys in 0 batches
Apr 30 06:10:00  ipfs-cluster-service[2291849]: 2024-04-30T06:10:00.651Z        INFO        service        ipfs-cluster-service/daemon.go:276        Datastore backend: pebble
Apr 30 06:10:00  ipfs-cluster-service[2291849]: error creating IPFS Proxy component: listen tcp4 bind: address already in use
Apr 30 06:10:00  systemd[1]: ipfs-cluster.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Apr 30 06:10:00  systemd[1]: ipfs-cluster.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Apr 30 06:21:32  systemd[1]: Started IPFS-Cluster Daemon.
Apr 30 06:21:32  ipfs-cluster-service[2292388]: 2024-04-30T06:21:32.301Z        INFO        service        ipfs-cluster-service/daemon.go:50        Initializing. For verbose output run with "-l debug". Please wait...
Apr 30 06:21:32  ipfs-cluster-service[2292388]: 2024-04-30T06:21:32.303Z        INFO        pebble        pebble@v0.0.0-20231218155426-48b54c29d8fe/open.go:993        [JOB 1] WAL file /root/.ipfs-cluster/pebble/000036.log with log number 000036 stopped reading at offset: 0; replayed 0 keys in 0 batches
Apr 30 06:21:32  ipfs-cluster-service[2292388]: 2024-04-30T06:21:32.310Z        INFO        service        ipfs-cluster-service/daemon.go:276        Datastore backend: pebble
Apr 30 06:21:32  ipfs-cluster-service[2292388]: error creating IPFS Proxy component: listen tcp4 bind: address already in use
Apr 30 06:21:32  systemd[1]: ipfs-cluster.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Apr 30 06:21:32  systemd[1]: ipfs-cluster.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Apr 30 06:25:35  systemd[1]: Started IPFS-Cluster Daemon.
Apr 30 06:25:35  ipfs-cluster-service[2293389]: 2024-04-30T06:25:35.254Z        INFO        service        ipfs-cluster-service/daemon.go:50        Initializing. For verbose output run with "-l debug". Please wait...
Apr 30 06:25:35  ipfs-cluster-service[2293389]: 2024-04-30T06:25:35.256Z        INFO        pebble        pebble@v0.0.0-20231218155426-48b54c29d8fe/open.go:993        [JOB 1] WAL file /root/.ipfs-cluster/pebble/000039.log with log number 000039 stopped reading at offset: 0; replayed 0 keys in 0 batches
Apr 30 06:25:35  ipfs-cluster-service[2293389]: 2024-04-30T06:25:35.262Z        INFO        service        ipfs-cluster-service/daemon.go:276        Datastore backend: pebble
Apr 30 06:25:35  ipfs-cluster-service[2293389]: error creating IPFS Proxy component: listen tcp4 bind: address already in use
Apr 30 06:25:35  systemd[1]: ipfs-cluster.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Apr 30 06:25:35  systemd[1]: ipfs-cluster.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
-- Reboot --
Apr 30 06:29:38  systemd[1]: Started IPFS-Cluster Daemon.
Apr 30 06:29:39  ipfs-cluster-service[593]: 2024-04-30T06:29:39.963Z        INFO        service        ipfs-cluster-service/daemon.go:50        Initializing. For verbose output run with "-l debug". Please wait...
Apr 30 06:29:39  ipfs-cluster-service[593]: 2024-04-30T06:29:39.995Z        INFO        pebble        pebble@v0.0.0-20231218155426-48b54c29d8fe/open.go:993        [JOB 1] WAL file /root/.ipfs-cluster/pebble/000042.log with log number 000042 stopped reading at offset: 0; replayed 0 keys in 0 batches
Apr 30 06:29:40  ipfs-cluster-service[593]: 2024-04-30T06:29:40.006Z        INFO        service        ipfs-cluster-service/daemon.go:276        Datastore backend: pebble
Apr 30 06:29:40  ipfs-cluster-service[593]: error creating IPFS Proxy component: listen tcp4 bind: address already in use
Apr 30 06:29:40  systemd[1]: ipfs-cluster.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Apr 30 06:29:40  systemd[1]: ipfs-cluster.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Apr 30 06:30:12  systemd[1]: Started IPFS-Cluster Daemon.
Apr 30 06:30:12  ipfs-cluster-service[1160]: 2024-04-30T06:30:12.048Z        INFO        service        ipfs-cluster-service/daemon.go:50        Initializing. For verbose output run with "-l debug". Please wait...
Apr 30 06:30:12  ipfs-cluster-service[1160]: 2024-04-30T06:30:12.050Z        INFO        pebble        pebble@v0.0.0-20231218155426-48b54c29d8fe/open.go:993        [JOB 1] WAL file /root/.ipfs-cluster/pebble/000045.log with log number 000045 stopped reading at offset: 0; replayed 0 keys in 0 batches
Apr 30 06:30:12  ipfs-cluster-service[1160]: 2024-04-30T06:30:12.055Z        INFO        service        ipfs-cluster-service/daemon.go:276        Datastore backend: pebble
Apr 30 06:30:12  ipfs-cluster-service[1160]: error creating IPFS Proxy component: listen tcp4 bind: address already in use
Apr 30 06:30:12  systemd[1]: ipfs-cluster.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Apr 30 06:30:12  systemd[1]: ipfs-cluster.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Apr 30 06:31:06  systemd[1]: /etc/systemd/system/ipfs-cluster.service:3: Failed to add dependency on ipfs, ignoring: Invalid argument
Apr 30 06:31:06  systemd[1]: /etc/systemd/system/ipfs-cluster.service:4: Failed to add dependency on ipfs, ignoring: Invalid argument
Apr 30 06:31:13  systemd[1]: Started IPFS-Cluster Daemon.
Apr 30 06:31:13  ipfs-cluster-service[1208]: Incorrect Usage: flag provided but not defined: -debug
Apr 30 06:31:13  ipfs-cluster-service[1208]: NAME:
Apr 30 06:31:13  ipfs-cluster-service[1208]:    ipfs-cluster-service daemon - Runs the IPFS Cluster peer (default)
Apr 30 06:31:13  ipfs-cluster-service[1208]: USAGE:
Apr 30 06:31:13  ipfs-cluster-service[1208]:    ipfs-cluster-service daemon [command options] [arguments...]
Apr 30 06:31:13  ipfs-cluster-service[1208]: OPTIONS:
Apr 30 06:31:13  ipfs-cluster-service[1208]:    --upgrade, -u                run state migrations before starting (deprecated/unused)
Apr 30 06:31:13  ipfs-cluster-service[1208]:    --bootstrap value, -j value  join a cluster providing a comma-separated list of existing peers multiaddress(es)
Apr 30 06:31:13  ipfs-cluster-service[1208]:    --stats                      enable stats collection
Apr 30 06:31:13  ipfs-cluster-service[1208]:    --tracing                    enable tracing collection
Apr 30 06:31:13  ipfs-cluster-service[1208]:    --no-trust                   do not trust bootstrap peers (only for "crdt" consensus)
Apr 30 06:31:13  ipfs-cluster-service[1208]:    
Apr 30 06:31:13  systemd[1]: ipfs-cluster.service: Succeeded.
@:~$ sudo journalctl -xe
Apr 30 06:31:13  ipfs-cluster-service[1208]: Incorrect Usage: flag provided but not de>
Apr 30 06:31:13  ipfs-cluster-service[1208]: NAME:
Apr 30 06:31:13  ipfs-cluster-service[1208]:    ipfs-cluster-service daemon - Runs the>
Apr 30 06:31:13  ipfs-cluster-service[1208]: USAGE:
Apr 30 06:31:13  ipfs-cluster-service[1208]:    ipfs-cluster-service daemon [command o>
Apr 30 06:31:13  ipfs-cluster-service[1208]: OPTIONS:
Apr 30 06:31:13  ipfs-cluster-service[1208]:    --upgrade, -u                run state>
Apr 30 06:31:13  ipfs-cluster-service[1208]:    --bootstrap value, -j value  join a cl>
Apr 30 06:31:13  ipfs-cluster-service[1208]:    --stats                      enable st>
Apr 30 06:31:13  ipfs-cluster-service[1208]:    --tracing                    enable tr>
Apr 30 06:31:13  ipfs-cluster-service[1208]:    --no-trust                   do not tr>
Apr 30 06:31:13  ipfs-cluster-service[1208]:    
Apr 30 06:31:13  systemd[1]: ipfs-cluster.service: Succeeded.
-- Subject: Unit succeeded
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support: http://www.ubuntu.com/support
-- The unit ipfs-cluster.service has successfully entered the 'dead' state.
Apr 30 06:31:20  sudo[1215]:  : TTY=pts/0 ; PWD=/home/ ; USE>
Apr 30 06:31:20  sudo[1215]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by a>
Apr 30 06:31:20  sudo[1215]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Apr 30 06:31:25  otelopscol[988]: 2024-04-30T06:31:25.410Z        error        exporte>
Apr 30 06:31:25  otelopscol[988]: go.opentelemetry.io/collector/exporter/exporterhelpe>
Apr 30 06:31:25  otelopscol[988]:         /root/go/pkg/mod/go.opentelemetry.io/collect>
Apr 30 06:31:25  otelopscol[988]: go.opentelemetry.io/collector/exporter/exporterhelpe>
Apr 30 06:31:25  otelopscol[988]:         /root/go/pkg/mod/go.opentelemetry.io/collect>
Apr 30 06:31:25  otelopscol[988]: go.opentelemetry.io/collector/exporter/exporterhelpe>
Apr 30 06:31:25  otelopscol[988]:         /root/go/pkg/mod/go.opentelemetry.io/collect>
Apr 30 06:31:49  otelopscol[988]: 2024-04-30T06:31:49.410Z        error        exporte>
Apr 30 06:31:49  otelopscol[988]: go.opentelemetry.io/collector/exporter/exporterhelpe>
Apr 30 06:31:49  otelopscol[988]:         /root/go/pkg/mod/go.opentelemetry.io/collect>
Apr 30 06:31:49  otelopscol[988]: go.opentelemetry.io/collector/exporter/exporterhelpe>
Apr 30 06:31:49  otelopscol[988]:         /root/go/pkg/mod/go.opentelemetry.io/collect>
Apr 30 06:31:49  otelopscol[988]: go.opentelemetry.io/collector/exporter/exporterhelpe>
Apr 30 06:31:49  otelopscol[988]:         /root/go/pkg/mod/go.opentelemetry.io/collect>
Apr 30 06:31:50  google_cloud_ops_agent_diagnostics[577]: 2024/04/30 06:31:50 rpc erro>
Apr 30 06:31:52  sudo[1217]:  : TTY=pts/0 ; PWD=/home/ ; USE>
Apr 30 06:31:52  sudo[1217]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by a>
lines 2514-2551/2551 (END)

Yes, the logs are telling you why it doesn’t start…