Ipfs cluster service target machine actively refused it

I want to run ipfs cluster on private network. For that i have download ipfs-cluster-service package and run on google VM. When i try to run ipfs-cluster-service daemon command it returns below errors. Can you please help me figure it out how to run ipfs-clutser-service for api access on private network?

on refused
2023-07-18T14:14:50.780Z WARN ipfshttp ipfshttp/ipfshttp.go:266 ipfs does not seem to be available after 10 retries
2023-07-18T14:14:51.781Z ERROR ipfshttp ipfshttp/ipfshttp.go:1258 error posting to IPFS:Post “”: dial tcp connect: connection refused
2023-07-18T14:14:52.782Z ERROR ipfshttp ipfshttp/ipfshttp.go:1258 error posting to IPFS:Post “”: dial tcp connect: connection refused
2023-07-18T14:14:52.781Z WARN ipfshttp ipfshttp/ipfshttp.go:226 Rate-limiting requests to 1req/s
2023-07-18T14:14:53.784Z ERROR ipfshttp ipfshttp/ipfshttp.go:1258 error posting to IPFS:Post “”: dial tcp connect: connection refused
2023-07-18T14:14:54.784Z ERROR ipfshttp ipfshttp/ipfshttp.go:1258 error posting to IPFS:Post “”: dial tcp connect: connection refused
2023-07-18T14:14:55.785Z ERROR ipfshttp ipfshttp/ipfshttp.go:1258 error posting to IPFS:Post “”: dial tcp connect: connection refused

have you figured out the solution to this error? i am facing same situation