IPFS-cluster as a drop in replacement

Hey @hector,

Thanks. I have also realized that dag/put is not intercepted after going through the documentation.

We are using IPFS for 2 aspects, to upload json like data snapshots (of data from specific smart contracts) using ipfs add and store IPLD objects which form a DAG-chain via ipfs dag put. As we run our own IPFS node, we want to pin all these objects and files so that they are available and not gc’d.
But, as the data keeps growing we are planning to migrate from a single IPFS node to a cluster to get around IPFS GC limitations.

In order to make it work as a drop-in replacement to single node, we have started using the proxy endpoint for the 2 operations i have mentioned above. If the proxy endpoint doesn’t support pinning dag put in the cluster, then one option is as you have mentioned perform 2 operations (first do dag/put and then pin the CID returned) which would not be optimal and would require specific code changes when using the cluster.

Is there any plan to intercept dag/put also at the proxy endpoint? This would simplify things as cluster and single IPFS nodes can be interchanged.
Is there any other alternative where-in by using a different endpoint we can dag/put and pin the CID in the cluster via single operation?