Here is a Telegram channel where you can share any IPNS addresses that you find. Please don’t post links to IPFS files.
@VictorBjelkholm I saw your self-editing website. I have been hoping someone would develop something like that. A downloadable webpage that configures to the user and gives a responsive interface. If the user could use responsive html5 templates, everyone’s IPNS becomes their unique homepage. This could be the quickest way to introduce ipfs ( though I think it should be rebranded as IPNS ) to the non-developer community as a Facebook replacement.
With large scale social implementation, commercial websites will quickly migrate and there will be more content available.
Hi. Sorry about that. The videos are also on YouTube and DTube. There I don’t have to constantly republish to peerID ( which only lasts for 24 hours!!! )
The links die because no one found the content interesting or useful, so no one pinned the content to their own repos. I’ve also put off making more videos until IPFS becomes a more polished product. I hope someone will create an IPFS browser to deal with all the hashes.
Siderus Orion , IPFS - Manager and IPFS - Desktop are the most complete projects in the IPFS world right now, and I hope there can be more focus on improving them. From an end user’s perspective.
I have discovered the dat-project and Beaker Browser which seems to do everything I’ve been trying to do with IPFS. As an end-user, not a developer, I have switched to dat and Beaker because it’s more user-friendly and closer to a finished project. I’m not abandoning my support for IPFS, just putting it on hold.
Why I choose Beaker:
Firstly, it’s a browser designed to handle http, https and dat files.
Secondly, it has a library manager that lets me easily add, delete or update the content I’m sharing. I can also add meta-data to my content, i.e. title, description, and even an icon Moreover, the browser can watch a folder an instantly update my link when I change content in the folder. ( This is how I image “ipfs-mount” would work, but I’ve never been able to use it)
Thirdly, the seeding function. This is awesome! When I view a site, the browser shows me how big the site is, and I can decide for how long do I want to seed the content. 1 day up to forever. It’s also easy to check in settings to keep track of what I’m seeding.
Why most of the IPFS link are slow? The whole idea is that IPFS is supposed to faster because content can be retrieved from the nearest node. Example below link by clicking from my mobile phone never opened.
Where did that link come from? Just having something on IPFS doesn’t automatically mean it’s going to be fast – especially if no nodes are hosting the content or the nodes that are hosting it are slow.
This link was posted in very first message “I’ve made some videos showing the fastest ways to share and connect to IPFS content”. Later I saw in further messages that since no node hosted the content it got removed. Related to this I have a question. Can content be still alive and accessible all time even in case no node other than the node owning the content? How about hosting my contents on infura? Won’t that provide me a leverage of always alive contents?
Oh, I see. The link in your post included something that wasn’t part of the link (the 62 at the end shouldn’t be there). This is the URL from the first post, but like you said nobody seems to be hosting it anymore.
Thanks for the replies. Can my own contents be garbage collected from my own node in case contents never accessed and how can I stop from being GC? Consider I am the only one hosting these contents.
Where did you get that URL from? When you perform a search on /ipns/ it doesn’t navigate to a different URL containing the search term.
So I have a private IPFS trying to learn and have published a site to IPNS and then on a second computer I have pinned the ions and then published that pin however as soon as I turn off the original host the new IPNS goes dead. The pin still works but the published IPNS on the second host is dead. Also the IPNS of the original host only last a few seconds in cache and then dies. Only the pinned IPFS hash works. How can I get an IPNS hash to stay alive more than three seconds even after the original host is off line?
IPNS is not very useful for publishing content that needs to be updated regularly, ie a website. . Slow to publish, and content needs to be republished every 24hours. Try DAT protocol for hosting website. And ipfs for hosting larger static content .