Newbie questions on the file system after trying IPFS - sorry too many Qs within one post:
mutable file system and linux file system
are they the same ? -
mutable file system and network storage
is it correct that the files I added to my local mutable file system is only uploaded to a remote machine if the file is accessed by the remote machine ? -
mutable file system and file hash
if I use /ipfs/files/write to the same path with the same file name, is a new hash created everytime ? how do I get back the earlier version ? -
in the network, is the file sharded ?
if so, what’s the algorithm to determine how the file is sharded ? -
/ls, /file/ls, and /files/ls commands
are these listing different info about different file systems ? -
/refs/local and the ls commands above
why the default files are only listed with /refs/local, /file/ls and /ls, but not /files/ls ?
(the default files are readme, security-note, etc - I presume that they are also stored in the local mutable file system, no ?) -
which file store ?
many thanks !