After few tries it eventually works but I get following error at least 2-3 times.
17:16:17.929 ERROR fuse/ipns: looking up /ipns/QmNQ74xaWquZseMhZJCPfV47WttP9hAoPEXeCMKsh3Cap4: failed to find any peer in table ipns_unix.go:107
17:16:17.933 ERROR node: error mounting: failed to find any peer in table mount_unix.go:95
=> What may causing this error? How could I fix it?
Please note that: I have already done: sudo ipfs mount -f /ipfs
This may be a bug when ipns resolution is attempted before bootstrapping the dht.
Workaround is to run ipfs mount after the daemon has started. It would be useful if you open a bug report in go-ipfs (check that no similar report exists).
So I think you may need to get a successful “ipfs name publish” before you can “ipfs mount”. And you should wait a few minutes until your daemon is well connected.
But obviously this is buggy, should not be like this, please open a bug if you don’t mind.