Looking at the github.com page for IPFS, there seems to be a lot of repository under github_dot_com/ipfs/
I am also aware of sister projects like multihash, multiaddress etc that is used within IPFS.
My question now is, where is the best place to get a good overview of the pieces and components of IPFS. A related question to that is about the IPFS white paper that can be found here. Would you consider the content of that paper a good resource to learn about the architecture of IPFS? Is up to date with the current state of IPFS? If not, where would you suggest I go find this overview?
I could easily find the github for the other components you mentioned: go-datastore, go-blockstore, go-merkledag etc. But not for exchange/blockservice (which use dht, bitswap) which I suspect actually refers to more than one components. Mind shedding more light here?
A paper on the architectural overview of IPFS is currently in the works. Hopefully a version of that will be ready within the next month or so. Will share here, but feel free to ping back. And hopefully it will answer most of your questions. Could you please point to issues that you’re looking to clarify?