Service.json created with pebble major format version "1"

The default created service.json has:
“format_major_version”: 1,

Is this for a specific reason or is it safe to upgrade it to 16?

The default in the the latest cluster version (and a couple previous) sets 16.

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Looks like I just missed the change when I setup which was version 1.0.7 and the pebble upgrade was brought in at 1.0.8, and bumped in 1.1.1.

The issue I have now, is I cannot get over version “12” of Pebble, anything past that I get FormatMajorVersion (16) must be <= 12.

I am running v1.1.1 on cluster and kubo 0.29.0.

Am I missing something to get it running up to 16?

If you haven’t, try running with 12 for a bit, and then bump to 16.

Otherwise you can state export and later import on a clean node using 16.

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Thanks, running for awhile didn’t do it so I reset the node and all good now.