Something is wrong with my ipfs node

Hi! I’m a newbie in this. I’ve set up ipfs on a Raspberry Pi and added two test files on it:
a picture: QmdbEUYci7Fe6Ej4gRiYj6bxjXdLqJ1ZNz5k2Z7LsFUZTo
and a video: QmciXVCbKJPBaH5vPpsJoqzqjNosKn2U85PNEGFuivmSeN
I can barely access my video file and sometimes my files are not accessible at all. Is it because my Pi is not powerful enough for it? At the beginning I could load the video file in but not anymore. I even have the file pinned.
What should I do?
Thank you for the help in advance.

What IPFS version?
Is the node online?
Are you behind a NAT?
What does ipfs id on your raspberry pi spit out?
If you manually run ipfs dht provide Qm... on the raspberry pi, does it start working again?

Yes the node is always online. I don’t know what a NAT is.

“ID”: “QmVeGUW6PvNNd2jiUHBnQ2K6ta3Wh8jBdDjjZp1FNoFpYo”,
“PublicKey”: “CAASpgIwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQC23e419Nw0m8CI7/4h9ZswWeQg25ayDq/xIXSnCwts8QScy4ZEHK3atpqv/sMMg12mFjQA4DJm8JOxhZwcwF72asc1LChwZYK23n3EaO25J13heiHg4BqPHwDhCDYGmeTZMgjtXEdzhDTiv+3RU9VBsNi4qKSgbuNr2Od6Qd64p5J8Y97dHdvDm4ndmFpT47F38SpxntbmTpBdk7QtMTFCTVLfdLQX2JZLsbEjS7yRD9kBbkJfgwXXW7aLxJ+aIPTK2B9/lPVS0RoJaMJTCZcZKpRXhxC1+S/a+sL3bGyGzKC7c1XtlPSXxlwZQy2roQjmh0VBT6N0GEvEfPpz67wtAgMBAAE=”,
“Addresses”: [
“AgentVersion”: “go-ipfs/0.4.17/”,
“ProtocolVersion”: “ipfs/0.1.0”

I’ve tried that dht thing using my ID on it and it says Error: block not found locally, cannot provide

Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. I believe my Pi is bottle necking the performance. Should I buy 1 or 2 more and make a cluster of it? Would that help?
The reason I use Pi because its energy efficient.

Ah, sorry, too many Qm…s. I meant ipfs dht provide QmdbEUYci7Fe6Ej4gRiYj6bxjXdLqJ1ZNz5k2Z7LsFUZTo and ipfs dht provide QmciXVCbKJPBaH5vPpsJoqzqjNosKn2U85PNEGFuivmSeN.