so i suspect that the file still store locally not be uploaded online or the upload process take time(it’s already 2 hours later) , Could someone help?
Your machine self determined that it is accessible from internet and broadcasting public IP address, thats good. I cant connect to it now, is your node running right now?
ipfs swarm connect /ip4/
Error: connect 12D3KooWLpKz3tdEehMGPX42HPeSL4deyU6uMv4WbVHD2dgXbMqm failure: failed to dial 12D3KooWLpKz3tdEehMGPX42HPeSL4deyU6uMv4WbVHD2dgXbMqm: all dials failed
[/ip4/] dial tcp4 connectex: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
I have disable ,you can try ,But i dont think so, first I have check the firewall ,ipfs are allowed and i have install an IPfs node also on a raspberry pi ,It have the same case.
this is ipfs id on my raspberry pi,Could you pls try it ? I will make this node always online
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ipfs id
“ID”: “12D3KooWNiyuZBv5LG4Zvvywzi8QTTZ1jAKu3eNLBz6egyDhN4Z4”,
“PublicKey”: “CAESIL/G2rsLVKtef4Po0QxDKt9olySLVnsK28F07Z2dHeR3”,
“Addresses”: [
“AgentVersion”: “go-ipfs/0.8.0/”,
“ProtocolVersion”: “ipfs/0.1.0”,
“Protocols”: [
IPFS has builtin connect test. If it is behind NAT it asks other node what is your node public IP then it asks other node to connect back. If all these 2 things work then it broadcasts its public IP like your node does.
Because of these tests if node broadcasts public ip it confirms that it is reachable from outside. I dont remember case like yours. Something must filter traffic and it didnt when your node started.
Situation on rpi is different from your previous machine. RPI used upnp router feature to setup router port forwarding because high port number is used (tcp/63740) it passed start up check but doesnt work now your router probably do not forward traffic anymore.
Windows machine should work out of box like mine does but you can use same manual port forward method for it as well.
you need static ip on your lan and setup home router to forward port A (tcp and udp) to windows IP:4001 and port B to rpi port 4001. A and B can be any number. for easier setup use 4001 and try to get one machine working.