WEEK 8 QUESTIONS | May 24 - May 30, 2021

WEEK 8 QUESTIONS | May 24 - May 30, 2021 (times are in EST)

It is week 8! :tada: I’ve attempted to highlight interesting or common questions, I’ve even included one from Reddit! This week had a few questions which will certainly be great for people new to the space to give a look over, as well as a good question about adding data to IPFS from a browser for later retrieval.


novaknole asked “Upload file with json to ipfs (best way ? )” (forum - 12:55 May 28)


This is an excellent question! It’s definitely worth giving that thread a look. We talk about different ways you can store data on IPFS, as well as some features Pinata has to assist with getting data available.

Bonelessbonles asked “Websites on IPFS” (Reddit - 19:09 May 29) :white_check_mark:

Is there a way to put websites up on IPFS? If so, how would I do so?


This question comes up from time-to-time and the answer is: Of course you can! As long as the website is static, you can simply add to to IPFS, and you’re good-to-go! I use IPFS on a website I host almost every day for random things: http://portal.thedisco.zone.

BnMcGn asked “IPFS in browser: testing a simple file fetch” (StackOverflow - 17:09 May 29) :white_check_mark:

I want to download this file and print its contents to the console using an in-browser IPFS node.

const inode = await Ipfs.create({
	config: {
		Addresses: {
			Swarm: [
				// These webrtc-star servers are for testing only
			Bootstrap: []
window.inode = inode; //For poking

for await (const chunk of inode.cat(ifile)) {

But it doesn’t print anything. What am I missing?


There are no bootstrap nodes! Simply connecting to another peer resolves this issue. It’s important to ensure you’re connecting to other peers, because otherwise how are you going to find data if there’s no one to ask where it is?

Fayne Aldan asked “Does anyone know what I’d do if I want to host a gateway?” (#ipfs - 13:14 May 28) :white_check_mark:

where do I actually get the IPFS gateway from?


You actually get the gateway from your very own local gateway! You might have noticed you can access your own local gateway with URLs like http://ipfs.io.ipns.localhost:8080. Well, it’s actually that very gateway that you’d configure and use! To enable SSL, you simply use Nginx as a reverse proxy, and there are plenty of guides online about how to do that. Using Nginx, you can also give your gateway a publicly accessible address but be warned, there’s no telling how popular your public gateway might get, and consume all your bandwidth :wink: .

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