Welcome to the IPFS Community

Awesome you are here, why not introduce your self and tell us a little bit about yourself?

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I’ll start myself. I go by dignifiedquire on the internet and write mostly JavaScript these days.
My current focus on for IPFS is easily deducted by that, as I’m mainly working on JS IPFS.

Other than that I have a little family here in Freiburg, Germany with my wife and son (5 years) and used to study Math.

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Hello, I’m Victor! Work on IPFS as well. Live in Barcelona.

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Hi, I’m Matt, and I’m a student from Poland. I do bug testing (mostly with Windows) and some Javascript work, if school lets me.


I’m Joss, not a programmer, just like the command line, hacking together a few scripts here & there, but far from being an expert; on macOS; have (you could say) deeply fallen in love with the IPFS & all it could entail; I think it’s a revolution in the making; would love to contribute, alas: see above, no programmer; only thing IPFS-related I did so far is an IP[FN]S redirect script for use with Tampermonkey. Currently in Berlin, Germany.


Hi I’m Dmitriy Ryajov, I go by @dryajov on the webz. I fallen in love with the distributed web and im super excited to be contributing to making it a reality, and I truly believe that ipfs is a key piece of that puzzle.

I’ve been mostly working on js libp2p and the upcoming libp2p-circuit implementation, I also helped drive the ipfs in web/service worker effort. Ipfs in the browser is mind-blowingly cool :sunglasses:

I live in Portland with my wife, 3 year old kid and our two cats.

I’m also running the decentralized web Meetup here in Portland, and tho we only had one so far (with Mozilla - thanks @gozala), I’m really looking forward to having a regular thing going, one caveat tho, this is about all things distributed web so other distributed tech/communities are welcome.

I’d also love to meet other P2P :wink: people here in the area and hopefully have a casual brainstorming/hacking session over a few pints. If you’re​ into that kinda stuff, ping me!

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Hi community,
I am a researcher in Law, Science and Technology of the International doctoral program “LAST-JD” (University of Bologna and consortium of partners universities)

I find this technology very promising. I have already tested it myself. Since my background is law and I am not a computer scientist I can say that this technology is not enough user-friendly for now and I expect the growth of interest when new UI features will be implemented.

I wish this project success and I will be happy to support it being among early users and enthusiasts.


Hey Dmitriy,
Im new to the space, but I will be passing through portland next month. Id love to meet up and talk about the distributed web! I am pretty young but I think I want to become very involved in this project and would love to discuss it. Let me know if you are interested and want to coordinate something.

Hey @d-das ! It be awesome to meet you, when are you going to be in town? PM me.

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I am Lorenzo, I live and work in Denmark, but I am Italian :slight_smile:
I am helping @neoteo to plan and organise some Meetups in Copenhagen (even if I should be more active :slight_smile: ).
I have a developer background and I love the main concepts that are behind mesh and peer to peer networks (so I am in love with IPFS and Ethereum).

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Hey all, I’m Tom and newish here but lurking around the various IPFS/libp2p/IPLD github accounts for a while now so I thought it was time to come out into the open :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. I have a background in Physics and write mostly in Python and so would be interested in seeing a python implementation of IPFS. Love the idea and would like to see the community grow.

I live in London, UK and would love to meet other like minded people in the area, preferably over a pint.


Welcome to the community Tom, happy to have you here! You might be interested in looking into https://github.com/ipfs/py-ipfs if python is your thing :wink:


I’m Hani Awni, a pathologically-interdisciplinary engineer with a particular focus on human-tech interaction. While my previous work focused on brain-computer interfaces with a CS/Neuro background, I’m currently transitioning toward wearable robotics via EE. I start grad school this fall with a hopeful dual-MS in MechEng and Science, Technology, and Society at Virginia Tech. My future work likely will focus around engineering liberative, communal infrastructure; I have recently been spending most of my time on coming to understand and recognize the ways in which us engineers are heavily impacting power imbalances between different groups, and exploring how to reason about and design sociotechnical systems to be deliberate about the sort of world we are building.

I’m familiar with IPFS from having lived with Juan back in CA several years ago.

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