I am involved as a project manager in an Ethereum based blockchain project Scry.info here at coderbunker in Shanghai.
One of our goals (besides coding) is to create interest for the project among developers and one of the means to do so is to organize a series it meetups/workshops that provide hands on with practice with the underlying technologies.
Scry.info will utilizes IPFS and therefore I am looking for someone in the area willing to hold a Workshop around the lines of “Introduction to IPFS” in Shanghai. It doesn’t need to be anything with a million of fancy slides but rather a very practical hands-on type of introduction to the matter and hopefully folloed by a practical part where participants can get their hands dirty.
alternatively … does anyone know of presentation materials or slides available online that could be used by a non-expert to give an introduction to IPFS?
thanks for getting back to me and great to hearing about your interest to make an appearance on IPFS for us.
So we have just started the Meetup group which will be the platform also for a Workshop about IPFS. Inside I have created a couple of “proposed” Events here which also has the IPFS Workshop we want to do still in the “Needs a Presenter” stage.
Our first event will be taking place next Friday (Nov,17) and generally Friday evening, 7pm will probably become the regular datetime for those Workshops.
As you mention you live “near Shanghai”, so would that be workable for you? If needed I can imagine we could arrange accommodation for the day f the Workshop in case you can not get back home on a Friday Night. I’ll send you my email address and wechat ID in a private message and hope to hearing back from you again shortly. Of course you also can respond here in the topic if you prefer that.
sorry, maybe a misunderstanding … the event on Nov 17th I have mentioned is NOT the IPFS workshop but just the first event that we are going to hold.
The IPFS workshop still needs someone to do the introduction/workshop and will be scheduled when we have found that person. So if you could do such a talk then I’ll coordinate the exact date with you.