🛤 2022-07-13: Connecting IPFS

Placeholder for links (e.g., slides, videos) and notes about the talks in https://github.com/ipfs-shipyard/ipfs-thing-2022/tree/main/events/d_1_connecting-ipfs.toml . See About the IPFS Thing 2022 category for more info.

Connecting IPFS Users and Permissions to DIDs with UCAN

Slides by @hugomrdias

Extended Unconf discussion, Thursday at 3pm:

w3name: IPNS republishing as a service

The Rise of Elastic IPFS

w3name slides: w3name: IPNS republishing as a service - IPFS Thing 2022 - Google Slides

The Rise of Elastic IPFS slides: The Rise of Elastic IPFS - IPFS Thing 2022 - Google Slides

Iroh Cloud slides: iroh-cloud-overview.key - Google Drive