Can i start IPFS daemon without repo?

Can i use online mode of IPFS without creating repo via ipfs init? That is, can ipfs retrieve objects or blocks without caching or distributing them?

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Not at the moment but you can use

Thanks for the answer! This is planed? And another question: are exists standalone tool for set object and get peers in swarm or how i can do that?

This is planed?

The plan is to continue supporting ipget.

And another question: are exists standalone tool for set object and get peers in swarm or how i can do that?

I’m not sure I understand what you’re trying to do here.

Currently i need one function in IPFS: getting peers in my swarm (ipfs swarm peers). So, if cant start daemon with in-memory mode, i need to know, can i do it without modifying the code?

Unfortunately, you can’t.

A couple of workarounds I think you could do:

  • If you know the address of just one of the peers in the swarm and it API is listening other than on localhost, use ipfs --api /ip4/<ip address>/tcp/5001 swarm peers. If it’s only listening on localhost, use ssh to port-forward port 5001 and use /ip4/ (or even just curl http://<ip address>:5001/api/v0/swarm/peers, no ipfs binary needed).

  • Otherwise, you could initialize a repo on a ramdisk.