Docker Image log error: consider updating Bootstrap or Peering section of your config

Hi everyone. I am running a Docker Image on a Raspberry Pi4. I am using master:latest version.
The container spins up, I can ping into it from the host and from other devices on the network, I can ping outside of the containers to the host, to other devices and apparently also on public adresses.
But I have an issue cause the node cannot find other peers, and in the container logs I get this message:

2022-04-22T16:39:29.625Z  ERROR   cmd/ipfs ipfs/daemon.go:566 
failed to bootstrap (no peers found): consider updating Bootstrap
or Peering section of your config

I checked the boostrap and peering sections, they seem to be exactly the same as those of the node which gets spinned with the Desktop application.

I can actually attach to it with the nodejs application I ambuilding, I can pin files, but it cannot find peers so the files do not propagate.

Hope you can help me out!
Thanks in advance