Hello, for the past 2 months i’ve been using the http api to fetch data via ipfs, ever since the crowdstryke things happened it hasn’t been working properly and now 80% of my fetchs are failing. (With Internal Server Error 500 so it’s on their side, not mine). I know for certain the file exists as i can see it in the ipfs desktop app.
As an aside two things you can do if a given public HTTP gateway is down:
Find another public gateway to use (e.g. Public Gateway Checker | IPFS has some and some companies have services where you can pay them to run a gateway for you)
Run a gateway yourself (e.g. using kubo, which is included with IPFS Desktop, or rainbow). If you’re exposing it to the public internet via HTTP and only want to serve data you’re already hosting (e.g. without fetching data from the wider p2p network) you can run kubo with kubo/docs/config.md at master · ipfs/kubo · GitHub