IPFS as an enterprise file system?

Hi Folks,
An architectural question: If I wanted to use IPFS as a common file system across all of our company computers - is that feasible? I.e., use it the way one might use NFS, or AFS across an enterprise?
Miles Fidelman

Short answer: no.

Longer answer. In that specific setup you probably want to mount it and have your uses access the files as if they are normal files. That can be done in a couple ways but nothing currently gives a good user experience. Like you can use WebDAV which will work and looks user friendly but isn’t really usable. You can use the IPFS FUSE mount but that is very far from usable. So nope, there isn’t really something usable. Yet.

Shameless self promotion. I am working on solving this issues! Not specifically for ipfs but ipfs would benefit from it massively. Crazyfuse is the projects name, i have nothing working yet so you can forget about that one too for the moment :slight_smile: .

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