Ipfs-cluster-service daemon error loading configurations: could not fetch configuration from source

In Ubuntu 18.04.4 Desktop I initialized ipfs-cluster as follows:

(base) marco@pc01:~$ ipfs-cluster-service init --consensus crdt --custom-secret   
23a....... \

–peers Qm…,Qm…
2020-06-05T11:30:04.743+0200 INFO config config/config.go:481 Saving configuration
configuration written to /home/marco/.ipfs-cluster/service.json.
2020-06-05T11:30:04.743+0200 INFO config config/identity.go:73 Saving identity
new identity written to /home/marco/.ipfs-cluster/identity.json
new empty peerstore written to .
(base) marco@pc01:~$

But when trying to run the ipfs cluster peer I get this error:

(base) marco@pc01:~$ ipfs-cluster-service daemon
2020-06-05T13:08:41.176+0200 INFO service ipfs-cluster-service/daemon.go:46 Initializing. For verbose output run with “-l debug”. Please wait…
2020-06-05T13:08:41.176+0200 INFO config config/config.go:361 loading configuration from 23a…
error loading configurations: could not fetch configuration from source: 23a…
(base) marco@pc01:~$

How to solve the problem?
Looking forward to your kind help.

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The --custom-secret flag prompts for the secret interactively. If you wish to set it automatically you need to set the CLUSTER_SECRET environment variable.

The way you called the command, the secret is being interpreted as the [http-source-url] part. Because you are providing a “source-url”, the secret is not being prompted. I realize this is not the best UX and the command should have failed in the first place.

Hi Hector!
Thank your for your kind reply.

So, if I understand correctly, I just need to put into .bashrc file export CLUSTER_SECRET=“23a…” and then run ipfs-cluster-service init .

Actually one more thing I actually do not undertand how to proceed in initializing the ipfs-cluster, the remote configuration part. May be it is a step forward, but it would be nice to use a remote configuration file accessible on an HTTP(s) location. But how to concretely do it?

Third question:

doing ipfs-cluster-service init --help I read: “–peers value comma-separated list of multiaddresses to init with”

But I got :

(base) marco@pc01:~$ ipfs-cluster-service init --consensus crdt --peers Qm…,Qm…
error parsing peer multiaddress: Qm…: failed to parse multiaddr “Qm…”: must begin with /

So I tried

(base) marco@pc01:~$ ipfs-cluster-service init --consensus crdt --peers /Qm…,/Qm…
error parsing peer multiaddress: /Qm…: failed to parse multiaddr “/Qm…”: unknown protocol Qm…

So, I guess I do not understand properly how to proceed

@hector When initializing without specifying the peers , I’m actually able to run the daemon:

(base) marco@pc01:~$ ipfs-cluster-service init --consensus crdt
2020-06-05T15:54:37.189+0200	INFO	config	config/config.go:481	Saving configuration
configuration written to /home/marco/.ipfs-cluster/service.json.
2020-06-05T15:54:37.190+0200	INFO	config	config/identity.go:73	Saving identity
new identity written to /home/marco/.ipfs-cluster/identity.json
new empty peerstore written to /home/marco/.ipfs-cluster/peerstore.

(base) marco@pc01:~$ ipfs-cluster-service daemon
2020-06-05T16:06:04.901+0200	INFO	service	ipfs-cluster-service/daemon.go:46	Initializing.    
For verbose output run with "-l debug". Please wait...
2020-06-05T16:06:04.930+0200	INFO	cluster	ipfs-cluster@v0.13.0/cluster.go:132	IPFS     
Cluster v0.13.0 listening on:

2020-06-05T16:06:04.931+0200	INFO	restapi	rest/restapi.go:515	REST API (HTTP): 
2020-06-05T16:06:04.931+0200	INFO	ipfsproxy	ipfsproxy/ipfsproxy.go:320	IPFS Proxy: 
/ip4/ -> /ip4/
2020-06-05T16:06:04.931+0200	INFO	crdt	go-ds-crdt@v0.1.12/crdt.go:275	crdt Datastore
created. Number of heads: 0. Current max-height: 0
2020-06-05T16:06:04.931+0200	INFO	crdt	crdt/consensus.go:272	'trust all' mode 
enabled. Any peer in the cluster can modify the pinset.
2020-06-05T16:06:04.934+0200	INFO	cluster	ipfs-cluster@v0.13.0/cluster.go:619	Cluster 
Peers (without including ourselves):
2020-06-05T16:06:04.934+0200	INFO	cluster	ipfs-cluster@v0.13.0/cluster.go:621	    - No 
other peers
2020-06-05T16:06:04.934+0200	INFO	cluster	ipfs-cluster@v0.13.0/cluster.go:634	** IPFS 
Cluster is READY **

So… my question is : how to correctly specify during the initialization phase the peers and, possibly, the remote configuration file?

Hi just how I did it :

  1. Use the service.json from your trusted peer(s) and create the service.json for your followers
  2. Pin the follower service.json to your ipfs from one of your trusted peers
  3. Add the QM… to your cluster via ipfs-cluster-ctl pin add QM…

Now your service.json for your followers is pinned in the IPFS space :slight_smile:

Call to for init the follower :

ipfs-cluster-follow YourCluster-Name init


Thank you Frank for explaining me how to add followers to my cluster.
Actually I was two steps behind, in trying to understand how to add a “normal” peer to the cluster, which I did without pain, this time.

At the moment I do not have a third laptop/pc to install another peer and try to add it as follower.
But I will try for sure.

yes works pretty cool after you have installed your main-cluster - enjoy

You wouldn’t put this in your .bashrc. You would just export CLUSTER_SECRET=xxx directly before running the init command.

Once you create a service.json configuration file, you can host it in a web location and initialize peers using that web location. You can also use IPFS for hosting. This is related: Hosting a collaborative cluster - Pinset orchestration for IPFS

You are just passing peer IDs, not multiaddresses. Multiaddresses are like /ip4/x.x.x.x/tcp/9096/p2p/<peerID>. There are some examples here: Download and setup - Pinset orchestration for IPFS.

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Thank you for your kind explanation