IPFS node, Minikube, Kubernetes

I am having a really hard time connecting 2 IPFS nodes in a private network with Kubernetes.
Here is the story:

2 Statefulset - one for the bootstrap node and one for the regular node.
2 ClusterIP - one for the bootstrap node and one for the regular node.

Here is my configuration for the bootstrap node:

ipfs init --profile=badgerds,server
ipfs bootstrap rm --all
ipfs config Datastore.StorageMax 100GB
ipfs config --json Swarm.ConnMgr.LowWater 10
ipfs config --json Swarm.ConnMgr.HighWater 50
ipfs config --json Datastore.BloomFilterSize 1048576
ipfs config Addresses.API "/ip4/"
ipfs config Addresses.Gateway "/ip4/"

NODE_ID=$(ipfs config show | grep "PeerID" | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d'"' -f2)
ipfs bootstrap add "/ip4/$NODE_ID"
ipfs daemon >> "./ipfs.log" 2>&1 &

Here is my configuration for the regular node:

ipfs init --profile=badgerds,server
ipfs bootstrap rm --all
ipfs config Datastore.StorageMax 100GB
ipfs config --json Swarm.ConnMgr.LowWater 10
ipfs config --json Swarm.ConnMgr.HighWater 50
ipfs config --json Datastore.BloomFilterSize 1048576
ipfs config Addresses.API "/ip4/"
ipfs config Addresses.Gateway "/ip4/"

// BOOTSTRAP_SERVICE_SERVICE_IP is the IP of the bootstrap ClusterIP
ipfs bootstrap add "/ip4/$BOOTSTRAP_SERVICE_SERVICE_IP/tcp/4001/ipfs/$BOOTSTRAP_HASH"
ipfs daemon >> "./ipfs.log" 2>&1 &

When I enter ipfs swarm peers there is nothing. So I am trying to manually connect the nodes by
ipfs swarm connect "/ip4/$BOOTSTRAP_SERVICE_SERVICE_IP/tcp/4001/ipfs/BOOTSTRAP_HASH" but it gives me always

Error: connect  failure: failed to dial: no good addresses

I checked for the open ports in the Cluster IP by telnet $BOOTSTRAP_SERVICE_SERVICE_IP 5001 for example and it is opened. I have opened port 4001 also, but when do the same telnet $BOOTSTRAP_SERVICE_SERVICE_IP 4001 I am getting Connection closed by foreign host

The difference between port 5001 and 4001 is that port 5001 is opened on IP but swarm tells me it is listening on IP

I am using minikube for local development and in their documentation, there is " If the service is bound only to localhost (, this will not work.". That being said in my view the problem is because swarm is listening on but not on Is there a way to configure it to listen on

This is not going to workā€¦

You should have the IP address of the other private node and not ā€¦ make sure that the other nodeā€™s IP address is reachable.

Follow the example of the default bootstrap format:


Opening port 5001 to everyone means that anyone can modify your pins. You probably donā€™t want to do thatā€¦

2 ClusterIP

IPFS Clusters generally run on private IPFS nodesā€¦ itā€™s probably a good idea to get the nodes talking to one another using a private IPFS network first and then add on the cluster.

IPFS private networks require generating a shared swarm key and placing that key in the IPFS directory of each private node. Since youā€™re using containersā€¦ youā€™ll need to place the swarm key inside each containerā€¦

Here are some hints from the IPFS documentation:


Swarm endpoints listen on by defaultā€¦

@ipfsme @hector Thanks for your responses, but ā€¦ If I try to request a pod from another one on port 5001(it is only internally exposed) it is successful, but if I try to do that with port 4001, the connection is being closed by foreign host. So I can not interconnect 2 IPFS nodes. If I run IPFS Cluster on top, it is connected perfectly, but because there is no underlying IPFS nodes connection, pinning does not work in the case: Node A goes down, Upload a new file, Node A comes up again, the status is ā€œpinningā€ and it stays forever that way. So I believe that is because of miss IPFS nodes connectivity. But for some reason, I can not connect both nodes.
I am not sure how swarm is listening on, because when I open the log file, it shows me Swarm is listening on no matter what I do.

Is ipfsā€™s swarm configured to listen on per the configuration?

If yes, it would seem that only the localhost interface is visible and it can only listen on that. You would need to check kubernetes side of things, perhaps the process or the user that runs the process is missing some priviledges or something.

ipfs config --json Addresses.Swarm ā€˜["/ip4/"]ā€™ So I think it is configured. Actually, if I run the IPFS Cluster with everything works perfectly in terms of IPFS Cluster connectivity(IPFS Cluster uses libp2p as well, right ?). That is why I assume swarm is not working on no matter if I have configured it to do so

@hector Is there a tutorial on how to run 2 IPFS nodes in a network using Kubernetes ?

We have this, but it may be outdated and I have personally not run ipfs on kubernetes: Deployment on Kubernetes - Pinset orchestration for IPFS