IPFS on Raspberry Pi (or similar) as server - does not work with Companion App

I installed ipfs on my Armbian Linux device (Raspberry Pi or similar Single Board Computer). On the Raspberry Pi IPFS is online. Now I want to use IPFS on my Notebook with the companion Addon in Firefox.

How can I connect to the daemon running on the Raspberry Pi? In the setting of the Companion Addon I set IPFS Node Type to External and the IPFS API URL to the IP of my Raspberry Pi. The Addon shows IPFS offline.

2 Steps :

  1. Your IPFS node must be open to connection from outside (by default the API listen only on localhost). To Do that you must change .Addresses.API from /ip4/ to probably /ip4/ (if you don’t want your node to be used maliciously (pinning random stuff or used to maliciously relay content) I would strongly suggest running this behind a NAT, if you need to access this over internet I personally use SSH forwarding).
  2. You must told your companion the location of your node, to do that there an option in the compagnion settings (the gear when you click on the icon), then check your node type is external and finally set the IPFS API to /ip4/<your SBC ip>/tcp/5001. If you want other CLI (like IPFS) to also work you can create ~/.ipfs/api and set the value of your node’s api : mkdir -p ~/.ipfs. && echo -n "/ip4/<your SBC ip>/tcp/5001" > ~/.ipfs/api.

Also the HTTP header filtering should be set up properly to no to prohibit the connection to the API. See https://github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs/blob/master/docs/config.md#apihttpheaders

I think I follow, Im going to set up

a vmbox ubuntu account and use my outlook email for ipfs related stuff, as I am pretty unaware at the capacities of using it are…