HI Team ,
I am new to IPFS , But went through several earlier Posts and threads which solved most of my Issues .
All thanks to the Forum members
I was able to bring up a private IPFS network and CLUSTER in My Local windows VMs .
But when I tried the same with several windows server VMs , I am getting below error
mdns: Failed to set multicast interface: setsockopt: An invalid argument was supplied.
Steps I did -
- Created private IPFS network , by bootstrapping everything to Node0 & updated config file with local Ips .
2)Updated the Secrete key from .ipfscluster/service.json with Node0’s Secrete key .
Updated the IP’s of Service.json with my Local machine IP .
You can disable mdns in config, I guess the network config your machines have does not support multicast. (but I don’t really know)
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I removed the mdns interval and increased the timings still getting the same .
[WARN] mdns: Failed to set multicast interface: setsockopt: An invalid argument was supplied.
Where in the service.json we mention this parameter ?
And All of them Says [WARN] hope I can establish the network ignoring them as well ?
you need to set mdns enabled to false:
"MDNS": {
"Enabled": false
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Tried the above still getting same message ,
Tried with “mdns_interval”: “0”, Now not getting any Warning message .
May be it just suppress those message .
Thanks a lot for the suggestions and quick replies .