Ok so I adore decentralization, and IPFS is great. The files once published will never go offline and because it is a peer-to-peer network, the load time for any file should be less in comparison to pulling a file from a server. However, it is not so. Even though the concept is great, the implementation is not meeting the expectations.
There are a few Core problems with IPFS. The first being that no user would want to setup a full node. People on the IPFS network now are tech enthusiasts, however, no user will want to deal with hashes. If a public node is available at ipfs.io/ipfs, why in the world should I setup my own node?? This would cause a shortage of nodes. I myself am guilty of joining the network, uploading my files, pinning them on public gateways, and leaving.
After that another problem is that what if I upload illegal content, and make a few nodes pin it?? IPFS, may be the replacement to torrents, which is not a good thing.
Next Filecoin. As great as it might be to get an incentive to store files, Filecoin will just drag IPFS down. If I have to pay to get back up my files, why should I not use Google Drive?? Over there At least my files are private and there is no risk of losing them.
Finally, hosting a website on IPFS. IPNS is simply terrible, and not user friendly at all, though that may change in the future. My main concern about hosting a site on IPFS is why should I do it?? There would be at max a few thousand nodes running on the network. Even if all of them pin my site, A CDN service such as cloud flare would be way more effective and efficient. Though it only works for static websites, IPFS can also only deal with static sites, as it is only a file system, not a compute sharing service.
IPFS also consumes a lot of bandwidth and users with metered connection don’t appreciate that.
Give me your thoughts on the matter.
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