I would like to try and write a Mutable File System and sharing a hole folder in the built in sandboxed file system (aka: OPFS) GitHub - whatwg/fs: File System Standard
There is also the possibility of using file system access to get the directory from a disc
So there is two things i would like to get help with.
how can i write a storageBackend that dose not use indexeddb to store the files? i do not want to duplicate all the data that is being stored.
and having it dynamically support all files in that directory without me having to specifically add or sync the content of that directory.
i don’t want to have to call: put/addlink everytime a file changes.
i mostly just would like to create a ipfs node and be able to do things such as: <cid>/src/index.html
I’m not sure if using whatwg/fs is such a good thing either as ipfs is mostly built upon blocks segments. i bet it’s a bit harder to reason about using something like a “real” file storage.