Why can't I access “Hello World!” publicly on IPFS?

From @starrychloe on Sun Jul 03 2016 23:59:15 GMT+0000 (UTC)


I created a “Hello World!” file and added it to IPFS.

C:\Temp\go-ipfs>ipfs add hello.txt
14 B / 14 B [======================================================] 100.00 % 
added Qmc5gCcjYypU7y28oCALwfSvxCBskLuPKWpK4qpterKC7z hello.txt

C:\Temp\go-ipfs>ipfs cat Qmc5gCcjYypU7y28oCALwfSvxCBskLuPKWpK4qpterKC7z
Hello World!

However when I try to access it publicly, it locks up and takes forever (longer than 20m).

$ curl "https://ipfs.io/ipfs/Qmc5gCcjYypU7y28oCALwfSvxCBskLuPKWpK4qpterKC7z"


What am I doing wrong? I’m connected to peers.

C:\Temp\go-ipfs>ipfs swarm peers | wc
     69      69    5687

Even if no one could see me, I would have thought there would be another “Hello World!” file with the same hash somewhere else in the world.

C:\Temp\go-ipfs>ipfs object get Qmc5gCcjYypU7y28oCALwfSvxCBskLuPKWpK4qpterKC7z
{"Links":[],"Data":"\u0008\u0002\u0012\u000eHello World!\r\n\u0018\u000e"}

C:\Temp\go-ipfs>cat -v hello.txt
Hello World!^M

ipfs version 0.4.2

Copied from original issue: Why can't I access “Hello World!” publicly on IPFS? · Issue #30 · ipfs-inactive/support · GitHub

From @Kubuxu on Mon Jul 04 2016 07:59:31 GMT+0000 (UTC)

I can see it without any problems: