Speaker Request for Tuesday, 11 September

Can anyone here talk about IPFS on Tuesday at 6:30pm for a Linux User Group? The meeting would be on Jitsi at https://meet.jit.si/sclugs and would be recorded to public YouTube.

The Jitsi meeting above is public and scalable, so anyone interested in IPFS can drop in on the presentation. Jitsi does not bog down at 5 users like other meeting software does.


Hi wirelessben

@flyingzumwalt @daviddias can be helped.


Heya, happy to help out.

Could you tell me a little more about the user group, the kinds of experience the audience has, and what got ya’ll interested in decentralization? I’d like to find the right person/talk for your group :slight_smile:

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Hi Mikeal,

We’re just a Linus Users Group located in Columbia, South Carolina interested in IPFS. An introduction to IPFS would probably be best. We are mostly Linus Sys Admins and developers interested in new tech solutions.

I should add that we combine our meetings with the Upstate Carolina Linux Users Group, so you’ll be speaking to two groups via Jitsi. We can set up a test meeting on Monday to get the Jitsi plugin installed and get you acclimated.


Thank you. Mikeal seems to be interested.

Anything in particular get you interested in IPFS?

I just like the idea of a filesystem that’s interplanetary, plus the BitTorrent similarity.

@flyingzumwalt @mikeal And mainly the implications of a content-based internet. How would it work? Who uses it now? Can a storage subsystem use it for deduplication? How does it compare to ZFS?

Better yet, who can talk about it tomorrow?

It’s five hours to showtime, and no one wants to talk, so I’m going to show a YouTube video, and discuss it with everyone else there (who know very little about the subject). Feel free to join the discussion at https://meet.jit.si/sclugs .

We watched Siraj Raval’s video, which is a funny, smart 10 minute intro to IPFS.

Much of the discussion focused on not being able to delete revenge porn and the likelihood of someone’s denylist becoming someone else’s favorites. The current internet never forgets anyway, so same as always, there.

The bandwidth savings is impressive, so that’s a huge selling point. I’ll be testing with ISOs of Linux images.

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it’s very cool
