Unconf: IPFS Pinning API Spec discussion

I would like to get us all together to talk about the pinning spec to hash out

  1. API v2 proposal: remove PinResults.count · Issue #86 · ipfs/pinning-services-api-spec · GitHub
  2. Document caveats around key-value pinset stores · Issue #97 · ipfs/pinning-services-api-spec · GitHub
  3. Discussion: Does Pinning Services API Spec have limitations that prevent scalability? · Issue #98 · ipfs/pinning-services-api-spec · GitHub

and any other updates that should be made to the spec that we can all agree on.

@lidel: would love to chat and align of we fix 1.x in backwards compatible way or focus on 2.x of the spec



Notes from the meeting can be found here

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